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Traditions & Customs

Unique experiences in Raurisertal

Traditions and customs are still alive and well in Rauris. The locals are happy to show this with their many celebrations. Along with the Advent market, in Raurisertal in December for instance, you can enjoy "Toifitag" (Saint Nicholas and his Krampus), the 'Anklöckler' who go from house to house and the 'Turmbläser' (tower trumpeters). Get to know Rauris during the "Weihnachtlichen Rundroas" and be accompanied by a local guide. In January you can visit the famous and unique  "Schnabelperchten" and enjoy Epiphany, while every two years there is the 'Perchten' procession, with the 'Tafelperchten'.

Advent markets

Home-made cookies, gingerbread, the aroma of cinnamon and orange. Hot chestnuts and a glass of mulled wine. Festive music and advent singing by the children of Rauris. Versatile gift and decoration ideas, Christmas floral arrangements, hand-made items and much more.

Of course, culinary pleasure ought to feature too – and the exhibitors provide just that with their hot and cold treats. Every Advent market has a real highlight in store for the whole family: a living crib, with donkeys and sheep, exhibition wood turning, a Christmas workshop with baking and crafts, guided tours in Rauris church steeple, horse-drawn carriage rides – and a visit from the 'Anklöckler'.

Festive "Rundroas"

The torchlit hike which starts on the market square in Rauris, leads our guests through Marktstraße to the first stop in Rauris Talmuseum. From there the 'Roas' continue to Heustadlhof, the popular farm shop on Rainbergstraße, and on to the final station, Palfenhäusl in Gaisbachstraße.

There guests can take a look into the Egger family's sheep pen, before we make our way back to the market square. This unique tour through Rauris is accompanied by traditional musical compositions by the brass band. And of course there ought to be no shortage of indulgence at Christmas, so punch, mulled wine, home-made cookies and Christmas fruit cake are provided.

Secure your holiday in Raurisertal now

Hotel Birkenhof
Doris Kloiber
Marktstraße 68
5661 Rauris
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